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Poker Rules

Poker Rules

Floor Decisions 

Tournament staff will always rule in the best interest and fairness of the game. The following rules set are in place, however specific circumstances may mean that the floor rule differently based on the intention to rule in the fairest manner.

Should a player ever wish to query a ruling with a senior member of the team, they have the right to do so following the hierarchy shown below:

Tournament Director

Festival Director
General Manager


  1. Dealers control the progress of the game. Their role is to state the action and facilitate the progress of a fair game; as to the technical rules, dealers should act in a fair manner and must remain neutral to all.
  2. Dealers must clearly announce the action in the tournament’s “official language”.
  3. Dealers will be responsible to announce and show “exposed cards”.
  4. Dealers should always count and announce the total amount of all bets when they occur (unless it is an all-in bet) in a neutral tone. This provides a much better service to the players as they do not have to go through the effort of asking every time the action gets to them. This will also speed up the game which is a must with the introduction of shotclock & timebank.
  5. Dealers are responsible for reporting any violation by a player, or any discrepancy that occurs to the floor. If a discrepancy arises, players are responsible for calling the dealer’s attention to the situation. Dealers must immediately stop all action and call for a “Floor Person” or the “Tournament Director”.

 Player Responsibilities

  1. Players are expected to verify registration data and seat assignments, protect their hands, make their intentions clear, follow the action, act in turn, defend their right to act, keep cards visible, keep chips visibly stacked, remain at the table with a live hand, speak up if they see a mistake being made, transfer tables promptly, follow one player to a hand, know and comply with the rules, follow proper etiquette, and generally contribute to an orderly tournament.
  2. Players must be clearly identifiable whilst at the table.

Official Terminology and Gestures

  1. Official betting terms are simple, unmistakable declarations such as: bet, raise, call, fold or all-in. In pot limit games players can also use the declaration of ‘pot’ to bet the maximum pot bet.
  2. Players need to be very clear in questioning as sometimes they can be mistaken as declarations.
  3. Players can also gesture to perform an action, e.g. tapping the table to check, or nodding to the dealer to check the action along. Should a dealer need to confirm, they will do so.

Communication / Electronic Devices

  1. Players are allowed to use electronic devices at the table, however when holding a live hand players shouldn’t not be using any communication applications and phones must be clearly visible to all if touched. Should a player not be using the device for anything other than gaming, the device should be turned face down and left alone whilst possessing a live hand.
  2. Players are required to leave the table area if wanting to take part in a phone call.
  3. Players are advised to keep volume levels on devices discreet to avoid the players at the table being distracted.

Official Language

  1. Players are expected to always use the English language only at the table. Should people wish to speak to others in a different language, they are expected to leave the table to do so.
  2. This rule maybe relaxed during international festivals.


  1. Tournament Directors and Floor People will issue penalties for the following etiquette violations. Repeated infractions are subject to escalating penalties. To maintain the integrity and fairness of the tournament, and to provide a player friendly environment, the following actions are considered improper and unsportsmanlike behaviour:
    • Acting out of turn, intentionally and/or repeatedly.
    • Intentionally folding/mucking out of turn, including abandoning a hand.
    • Miscalling a hand, intentionally and/or repeatedly.
    • Exposing cards with action pending, intentionally and/or repeatedly.
    • Needlessly stalling the action of a hand.
    • Violating the “one player to a hand” rule, including coaching a player or talking about the hand to another person either at the table or on the rail, during a live hand.
    • Showing the contents of any live or folded cards during a live hand.
    • Any form of soft play, including verbally or mutually agreeing to check a hand down at all times.
    • Incorrectly instructing or controlling the action or a player.
    • Any form of “rabbit hunting.”
    • Splashing chips directly into the pot, intentionally and/or repeatedly.
    • Mucking a hand at the dealer, at a player, or in an abusive manner.
    • Throwing or destroying card(s) intentionally.
    • Abusive or disruptive behaviour.
    • Unnecessarily touching another player’s cards or chips.
    • Wearing any clothing or other materials that carry words or images that display derogatory, offensive, racist, illegal or aggressive messages.
    • Verbally or physically attacking other competitors, members of the tournament staff, or spectators.
    • Displaying signs of excessive alcohol intoxication, drunkenness or use of other substances that jeopardizes the smooth running of the tournament, or causes disrespect to other competitors, staff or spectators.
    • Displaying unsocial conditions of hygiene, including excessive body odour or dirt that jeopardizes other players’ right to a pleasant and safe environment.
    • Excessive chatter: Excessive chatter includes, but is not limited to, talking or having a conversation that disrupts participants who are in a hand.
    • Any participant who displays any form of inappropriate behaviour may be subject to a penalty.
  2. Speech play. This is allowed in both multi-way and heads up pots, players are allowed to discuss the game so long as it is in a sportsmanlike manner and not considered offensive in any way.
  3. Players are allowed to verbally give up information of their hole cards, whether the statement is true or false is immaterial, and the hand will remain live. Should there be any suspicion of collusion or soft play at any point from either players or dealers’ opinion, it will be investigated and punished if believed to be true by the Tournament Director.
  4. Any speech play of which may be considered as soft play or collusion would result in further investigation and potentially penalties of disqualifications.

Ethical Play

  1. Poker is an individual game. Actions, statements and/or behaviours that compromise the fairness of the game, whether knowingly or unknowingly, are considered unethical play and unsportsmanlike behaviour. Dealers are obligated to report this immediately to the floor, who may then follow up with a penalty.
  2. One player to a hand, no disclosure, no advice-
    • Players are expected to not expose any cards to players at the table during a live hand.
    • Players not holding a live hand should not discuss anything of which could be impact action when a hand is in progress.
    • Players should not advise each other during hands; however speech play is allowed by all holding a live hand.
  3. Tournament Directors and Floor People will penalize any player who acts in an unethical manner. This shall include, but is not limited to;
    • Collusion in a group- this can also include soft play and chip dumping.
    • Cheating- this can include theft, marking of cards in order to gain a knowledge advantage.
  4. The above should be expected to receive very harsh penalties as a minimal punishment.

Cash Game Specific Rules

  1. All players must report to the Cash Game Desk or a Cash Game Supervisor before taking a seat. This also includes people hoping to move tables as we operate with a balanced tables system wherever possible.
  2. All games have advertised buy-in limits, all players are expected to adhere to these when sitting to a new table. These limits will also apply to players sat at the table wishing to add to their stack. Players are allowed just one under-buy if stacked in a game.
  3. All games will be raked as advertised; they will also get promotional charges as advertised.
  4. No flop = No rake
  5. Split Pots are raked.
  6. Cash Game Team and managements decisions are final, the Cash Game Team will make decisions in the best interests of the game. People cheating or causing problems may well be asked to leave for the evening or even barred as a result of their behaviour.
  7. When starting new Cash Games, the dealer button position will be decided by a draw for high card between starting players.
  8. Players are responsible for their own hands, should they not make dealers aware of errors in advance of the next hand starting (first riffle), there will be no motions to correct it.
  9. No Weeding – Any chips that have been in play must remain in play until you wish to leave the game completely.
  10. In the event of a player leaving a game, if they intend to return to the game within 3 hours, they are expected to return with at least the amount they left the game with.
  11. General House Poker Rules Apply to the game.
  12. It is not a requirement to post when joining a new table, or when returning from a break, if this is abused it will be treated as an etiquette violation.
  13. When joining a table, if situated between the button and the Small Blind, players will be given the option to buy the button rather than wait to join play, this will require the player to post both a small and big blind with the small taking part as a dead blind in the pot.
  14. Players CANNOT transfer from one table to another without the approval of the Cash Game Supervisors. Offenders will be expected to return to the original seat or leave cash games entirely.
  15. Showdown- Last live hand wins with no requirement to show a winning hand.
  16. Showdown order- If there is an aggressive action on the river betting, the last aggressor must show first. If it is checked around on the river, left of the button shows first and it continues around in a clockwise order.
  17. In all in situations with pots exceeding 100bbs, players are permitted to run it either once or twice, should they wish to run it twice they must clearly agree and have it approved by a supervisor. In PLO games the event should also be witnessed by a supervisor.
  18. No bomb pots allowed.
  19. All bets must be settled to complete a hand to ensure the game can progress to a new hand, a player can exit the table or a new player can join.
  20. At the conclusion of a game, 2 flips will be allowed rake free, additional flips will be raked to the usual game rules.

Tournament Rules, Policies & Procedures

Tournament Formats

Freezeout [F/O] – This format allows 1 entry per player, no rebuys and no re-entries.

Re-Entry [+XRE/RE] – this is similar to that of a freezeout in that once a player has lost their chips the player is eliminated, however if eliminated during the late registration period the player will be allowed to re-enter for the amount of an original entry. The maximum number of re-entries can vary and will be advertised before the event has begun. Upon re-entry the Tournament Director will provide the player with a new randomly assigned seat away from their previous table, wherever possible.

Reload – These tournaments allow players the option of having a rebuy or two (as advertised) at the table no matter the size of the stack. There will be an advertised period of the tournament of which will allow the rebuy(s) to take place.

Unlimited Rebuy – This format of tournament allows players to rebuy as many times as they like, players will be allowed to rebuy if they have less than a specific amount of stack. The required stack for a rebuy and the maximum number of rebuys available can vary and will be advertised before the start of the event. The rebuy period will be completed with a last 3 hands at the end of the advertised level. At the last rebuy break players will have the option of an add-on (double in some cases) & further rebuys if eligible.

Whenever a player lost all of their chips, the player should decide before the start of the new hand to whether to rebuy or not. In case a player misses a hand, the player will be eliminated. A re-entry is not possible in rebuy formats.

  1. During a “re -buy” tournament, a player must always have chips on the table and must always be dealt a hand, as not to miss a hand due to a re-buy.
  2. If a player runs out of chips during the “re-buy” period, the player must “re-buy” or declare a “re-buy” before the start of the “new deal.
  3. If a player announces the intent to “re-buy” before a “new deal” begins, that player is deemed to be playing with those chips and is obligated to make the “re-buy.”
  4. If the player bets an amount to include chips from the intended “re-buy,” the player must present the funds before action can be completed.
  5. If the tournament has an add-on option, players may only add on during the period as prescribed by the Tournament Director.
  6. Whenever a player is eliminated in a re-entry tournament, he or she can make a re-entry during the re-entry period. The Tournament Director must communicate before the start of the tournament how long the re-entry period will be.
  7. Whenever a player does a re-entry the Tournament Director will seat this player randomly.

Warnings, Penalties & Disqualifications

  1. Management and/or the Tournament Director or Tournament Staff may penalize any act that, in their sole and absolute discretion, is inconsistent with the official rules or best interests of the players and/or the event.
  2. Penalties will be awarded with fairness to all parties considered, should they feel a player deserves a harsher than usual penalty even for a first offence, it will be awarded if the floor feel it in the best interests of the game.
  3. Tournament Directors and Floor people may issue any of the following:
    • Verbal Warnings
    • 1 Round of the table penalty
    • 2 Rounds of the table penalty
    • Disqualification
  4. In the event of a disqualification, the players stack will be removed from play, and they will not be entitled to any refund or prize.

VERBAL WARNINGS verbal warning may be issued to a violating player as a penalty. A repeated verbal warning will result in a “1 round of the table penalty” or “disqualification.”

ROUND OF THE TABLE PENALTY A round of the table penalty is defined as a penalty whereby the player needs to leave the tournament area for an orbit until the dealer button is back into the position in which it would be at the start of the following hand. For example: When the offence take place when the button is on seat 1, the offender will be able to return once the button has done the required number of table rotations and arrived back at seat 2. If seat 2 is an empty seat at that time the player may return when the button is at the first seat after seat 2.

DISQUALIFICATION A player who is disqualified will have his or her chips removed from play. The player must immediately leave the tournament area. The Tournament Director’s decision to disqualify a player is final. A disqualified player cannot appeal the decision and will not be entitled to a refund. Disqualified players may not make any claim for monetary damages.

Seating from the initial seat draw or as late entry

  1. All entries will receive a full starting stack, dealers will start the tournament dealing to live stacks only to ensure players arrive at to the full start stack.
  2. All entries will receive a randomly assigned seat.
  3. New entries can adopt any position at the table. The only place in which they cannot be dealt in is between the button and the small blind.
  4. All re-entries will not be drawn on their most recent table wherever possible.
  5. In re-entry events, players with the option of a re-entry available will be able to forfeit their stacks in order to get a new full stack and will be treated like a fresh entry the previous stack being taken out of play and be re-assigned a seat.
  6. Special requirements  Should a new entry have any form of disability or need for a certain seat at the table, the player should make the Tournament Director aware when first approaching the tournament desk or upon registration, this way we can assist in making your playing conditions suitable.
  7. Family Rule – To reduce risk of collusion and enhance player experience we will wherever possible split up family members in initial seat draws.

Alternate/Reserve list players

  1. Players on a waiting list will have the option to unregister at any point until issued with a seat assignment.

No Shows/Absent Players

  1. Players in the tournament seat draw will only be dealt to once they have arrived, this ensuring they sit to a full stack.
  2. If a player still hasn’t arrived by the end of late registration, they will then be dealt in from the point of late registration being closed.
  3. If a player has a stack and they are no longer present, they will blind away at the same rate as all other players.

Breaking Tables

  1. The table breaking order should be available in advance, should a player wish to know this they can ask any floor and they will make you aware. However, the Tournament Director has the allowance to change whenever required and they will make players aware.
  2. Table breaking procedure starts from seat 1, each player will receive a seat card, and this will be where the player is then expected to go and occupy the new suit as soon as possible.
  3. Following a table break, players can take up any position including Big Blind, Small Blind and Button in the next hand. The only place in which they would expect to be dealt out is if positioned between the button and the small blind.
  4. Should it be apparent that a player is purposely not heading directly to their seat at a reasonable pace or purposely not taking their seat to dodge blinds, at least a penalty should be expected as punishment.

Table Redraws

  1. Single Day tournaments will have a redraw only at the final table.
  2. Multi-Day tournaments will have a redraw overnight and the last 9 players.
  3. Tournament Directors can use their discretion to alter any of the above if it is made clear to the players in advance. This may mean performing redraws at 24 players remaining for High Volume events.
  4. Redraws during play will be performed awarding players a seat card. Players will then adopt the new seat ready for the restart.

Balancing Tables & Halting play

  1. In order to balance tables, the floor person should wait until a hand is complete before requesting the player adopting the big blind position to prepare to move tables, the player will then be sat into the worst position available at the short-handed table.
  2. Should a table get to a position of containing 3 players less than the table maximum, then the dealer should halt action once the big blind arrives at an available seat, this way the balanced player/new entry should then occupy the available seat coming in at the worst position.
  3. To balance tables at a quicker pace, the big blind will be taken from the first table to complete a hand of which is within close proximity.

‘At your seat’

  1. To hold a live hand, players must be at their seat when the first card leaves the deck on the deal.
  2. Should a player not receive a live hand, they will still be obligated to post any compulsory blinds or antes.
  3. Should a player no longer have any action and be in an all-in situation, they will still be expected to remain at their seats until the hand is completed.


  1. If a misdeal is declared by the dealer or an on looking floor person, all bets will be returned to players and all action is deemed invalid.
  2. The following circumstances will result in a misdeal:
  • Any one of the first two cards dealt being exposed due to dealer error.
  • The dealer exposing two or more cards.
  • A boxed card being discovered in the initial deal.
  • Two or more extra cards dealt out on the initial deal.
  • Cards are not dealt in the correct sequence.
  • If a player’s initial card is mixed up with another player’s hand due to dealer error.
  • The dealer button is in the incorrect position.
  • The first card is dealt to the incorrect position.
  • Cards have been dealt to a seat or player of which should have been dealt out.
  • A player who is eligible for a live hand is not dealt in.
  • A card leaves the table due to dealer error.

Sufficient Action- the following are considered as sufficient action:

  • 3 actions in turn of Checks or Folds.
  • 2 actions in turn of which must include at least 1 action involving a bet or call.
  1. If sufficient action has taken place before the misdeal is highlighted, the floor must be called to give the final ruling as to whether it is still ruled as a misdeal or not. Generally, this would be ruled as the hand must continue due to sufficient action taking place.
  2. Should a player receive an exposed card they will have it replaced by the first burn card.
  3. In situations where the player last to receive cards has an exposed card, they may receive two consecutive cards.
  4. Should a player have too few or too many cards after the initial deal and sufficient action has taken place, their hand will be deemed dead. The only exception to this rule is if the player on the button has 1 card, then they will be provided the second card.
  5. In instances where a player has too many cards, all of their dead cards will be put in the muck, and the stub will remain in its current state with the top card remaining the next burn card.

Fouled Deck

  1. If at any time during a hand, a card deck is found to have too few or too many cards, a different colour back or two identical cards, it will be deemed a foul deck and the hand declared a misdeal with all bets returned.

Chip Races & Scheduled Colouring up

  1. A “chip race” or “chip-race-off” is defined as removal of a denomination of chips that will be no longer in use at the next level of the event in progress.
  2. A “chip race” will occur after each “colour up” process.
  3. When it is time to “colour up” the chips, they will be raced off with a maximum of one chip going to the participant showing the highest card. The total of odd chips on the table will depend how many next denomination chips will be rewarded to players with high cards. The total denomination chips on the table will always be rounded up towards the player favour. (For example: 325 will be 4 one hundred chips). In case there is only one player with a 25 chip, he is rewarded a one hundred chip. Cards will be dealt in a clockwise direction, starting in the Seat 1. A player will receive all his/her cards before any cards are dealt to the next player. A player will receive one card face up, for each “odd chip” in their possession. A chip will be awarded to the player based on their highest card.
  4. If players receive a card of identical value, “bridge suit ranking” (reverse alphabetical) will apply.
  5. A player cannot win more than one chip during the “chip race.”
  6. A player cannot be raced out of a tournament: a player who loses his or her remaining chip(s) in a “chip race” will be given one chip of the lowest denomination chips still in play.
  7. Players are Expected to witness the chip race.
  8. It is the players responsibility to immediately inform the tournament floor team if they have returned from a break to an incorrect stack size.


  1. Players are expected to stack chips in stacks of 10 or 20 individual chips, this speeding up the counting process and allowing other players easier reading of stack size. In addition to this, players must also make sure that the larger value chips are all clearly visible on top or at the front of the stack.
  2. Players are obligated to show chip stacks in response to players asking how much they have, however unless there is an all in bet involving the stack, the holder of the stack does not need to provide a count.
  3. When transporting chips from one table to the next, players must keep chips in clear sight. Carrying chips in pockets is not acceptable and the player will be penalised at the Tournament Directors discretion.
  4. When players are assigned a seat, they are required to take the chips directly to their seat, chips being the priority as they are in play.
  5. Management may request players for earlier colour up support in order to speed up the flow of the event, and to keep the chip count clearer and more transparent to all participants.
  6. Players are only allowed chips, and a card protector on the cloth in their area of the table. This reducing risk of chips going unseen.
  7. In a situation where a player places chips over the line and acts all-in only to then be called and hands on their back, they then realise that the player has chips hidden behind and that the player would have chips remaining. The tournament Director will determine as to whether the chips behind are treated as accepted action and part of the bet. The Tournament DIrector in this situation may even put the chips behind at risk without it being the called amount should they believe it in the best interests of the game. If not eliminated following the occurrence, the player could also expect an etiquette penalty as a result.

Dealer Button

  1. The Dealer Button will start all tournaments in the seat of which gets the highest card in the draw.
  2. Tournaments will operate with the use of dead buttons.
  3. In heads-up scenarios, the player positioned on the button will be first to act as the small blind pre-flop, following the flop action will continue left of the button.
  4. A misplaced button – If a dealer button were to have not been moved and sufficient action has taken place, the hand must play out to completion and the button would then pass on as normal for the following hands.
  5. A misplaced button – If a dealer button has moved forward twice in a clockwise direction and sufficient action has taken place, the hand must play out to completion, then the button will move backwards one position for the next hand and on the following hand move clockwise 2 positions.
  6. A dead button situation can occur if the dealer button cannot be advanced due to elimination of the small blind in the previous hand.
  7. When a dead button situation is present, the dealer button will be moved in such a way as to allow the maximum number of players to be dealt in, provided that the existing player is still able to post a full set of blinds, prior to receiving the dealer button.

Blinds & Big Blind Ante System

  1. Blinds are visible on the tournament clocks and will be posted by those left of the dealer button, small blind & big blind.
  2. Blinds will be announced by a member of the Floor Team. Should the raise in blinds announcement be missed the players and dealers should alert the floor.
  3. We operate using the big blind ante system for all of our events.
    • The big blind ante will always be posted by the player situated in the big blind position.
    • The ante value will always be equal to that of the big blind. The only time this will be reduced will be once at the final table with 6 remaining.
    • At the final table with 6 players remaining, the ante will be equal to the value of the small blind.
    • In 6-Max events the value of the ante will be equal to that of the small blind.
    • Once heads up their will be no antes.
    • The ante will always hold priority over the big blind. This may consist of hands taking place with a big blind of which is not to the full amount of that expected.
    • In situations where a player is unable to cover the cost of the big blind, to call the other players will still be expected to call the full advertised big blind amount until a raise takes place.
    • Should a player on the big blind & ante position be all-in for just the value of an ante or less, should they win they will receive only the ante back as reward.
  4. When heads up, the match will start with the big blind being posted by the person who was next intended to do so. The small blind will adopt the button position. No antes required in heads up.

Betting Line

  1. A betting line is defined as the line that shows players and dealers very clearly the working space of the dealer and the personal space of the player. Dealers have the inside of the betting line known as the field to work with, and no player is allowed to interfere in that space. The dealer will collect antes, bets, place the board cards (flop-turn-river), as well as the mucked cards pile. The dealer will control all action inside the betting line at all times.
  2. For a bet to stand without verbal declaration, chips must cross the betting line in one motion and touch the surface.
  3. Should a player facing a bet pick up his stack and forward motioning across the line, drop an amount of chips not amounting to the whole amount in the hand, only the chip(s) dropped in one motion will stand whether it is a calling or raising amount. In cases where the dealer feels the player is doing this to gain knowledge the floor must be called, etiquette warnings/penalties could be awarded in such cases.
  4. If an amount of chips crosses the line and touch the surface as a whole, the whole amount must stand even if the intention was to cut off a bet and take some back.
  5. In the event a player makes a forward motion with chips (off the felt) across the line and not complete his action by releasing, the floor staff will consider penalizing the player with etiquette penalties for abusing the rule to pick up additional knowledge.
  6. Cards released in a forward motion, inside and over the betting line face down will be considered a folded hand, unless the player is in a showdown situation with an all in Then these cards should be tabled. This is NOT optional.

Methods of Betting

  1. Betting amounts are made clear by the players if they:
    1. Verbalise the bet size as well as placing chips across the betting line.
    2. Place exactly the right amount across the betting line with or without verbal declaration.
  2. Should a player both verbalise and place chips across the line, whichever action took place first will be the binding action.
  3. When verbalising amounts, players are expected to highlight units.
  4. A bet is not valid until the chips are actually released, unless the player has made a “verbal or physical declaration of action.”
    1. Betting IN TURN, any chips pushed over the “betting line” and/or released into the pot will be considered a valid bet. If a player is unaware that a previous bet has been made, the player will still be bound by that action. Any chips over the “betting line” or verbally committed will remain in the pot.
    2. Betting OUT OF TURN may be binding and will be binding if the action to that player has not changed. A check, call, or fold is considered action not changing. A player intentionally betting out of turn will receive a penalty. The penalty may be waived if the dealer misled the player, or if the interim player had his/her chips concealed appearing to be “all-in” or if the interim player had their cards concealed appearing not to have a live hand.
    3. When chips are already across the betting line, they will be considered part of future bets unless removed when betting.
  5. Chips must be placed across the line in one fluid motion to be classed as a legitimate bet. If there are string bets the amount first dropped will be taken as the bet.
  6. Should a player put chips across the line and plant them only to then bring some back, the whole planted amount will stand as the bet.
  7. Players are responsible to visually verify any bet amounts.

ACCEPTED ACTION Poker is a game of alert, continuous observation. It is the caller’s responsibility to determine the correct amount of an opponent’s bet before calling, regardless of what is stated by the dealer or the players. If a caller requests a count but receives incorrect information from the dealer or players, then places that amount in the pot, the caller is assumed to accept the full correct amount and is subject to the correct bet or all-in amount. As with all tournament situations, Rule 1.1 may apply at the Tournament Director’s discretion.


  1. A call is not valid until the chips are actually released, unless the player has made a “verbal or physical declaration of action” to do so. Calling IN TURN, any chips pushed over the “betting line” and/or released into the pot will be considered a valid bet. If a player is unaware that a raise has been made and has released the incorrect amount of chips into the pot, that player must either: “fold” and forfeit the released chips or add the additional amount required to complete the action of calling the actual current bet amount. Calling OUT OF TURN may be binding, and will be binding if the action to that player has not changed. A check, call, or fold is considered action not changing. Any chips over the “betting line” or verbally committed will remain in the pot. A player intentionally calling a bet out of turn will receive a penalty.
  2. If a player uses a single “oversized chip” without verbally declaring the exact amount of their bet, it will be considered a call.
  3. Players are responsible to visually verify the amount of the bet. If a situation arises where a wrong bet amount is announced, the calling player will be obligated to correct the amount of the bet.

Raise Requirements

  1. Minimum raise rule is calculated by calculating the last raise difference and adding it to the last bet total.
    1. Example 1
      Player opens the betting to 500, 500 being the difference, so 500+500 = 1000.
    2. Example 2
      BB is 1000, player raises to 2200, next minimum raise would be 3400 = 2200 + (2200-1000)
  2. 50% rule applies in instances where a player places more than a calling amount across the line, but less than a legitimate raise.
  3. When facing a bet, unless a raise is first declared, multiple same-denomination chips are a call. When you take away one chip the other chips are not enough to make a call. For example, when facing a bet of 30,000 a player places two chips of 25.000. This is a call. 50% rule does not apply in this case.
  4. There is no cap on the number of raises in no-limit and pot-limit play. In limit events there will be a limit to raises even when heads-up until the tournament is down to 2 players; the house limit applies.
  5. In NO-LIMIT and POT-LIMIT, an “all-in” bet of less than a full raise does not reopen the betting to a player who has already acted. There is NO cap on the number of raises in no-limit and pot-limit games.
  6. A raise must be made by one or more of the following: Placing the full amount in the pot in one motion. Verbally declaring the full amount prior to the initial placement of chips into the pot. Verbally declaring “raise” prior to the placement of the call amount into the pot and then completing the action with one additional motion.
  7. Raising with an oversized chip
    • To make a raise with a single “oversized chip,” a verbal “declaration of action” must be made BEFORE the chip hits the table surface. PRE-FLOP or with any existing call amount (blinds), if a player uses a single “oversized chip” without verbally declaring a “raise,” it will only be considered a “call.” AFTER THE FLOP, if you are the player to act in turn, and no other player has made a bet before you, and you use a single “oversized chip” without verbally declaring the exact amount of that bet, it will signify a bet equal to the size of the chip (in No Limit Hold’em).
    • If a player puts an oversized chip into the pot and says “Raise”, but doesn’t state the amount, the raise will be the maximum allowable up to the denomination of that chip.

Under Raise/Bets

  1. Under-Raises do not re-open the betting, this means that if action gets back to the previous raiser with no further change in action they will only have the options of call and fold available.
  2. Under-Bets all-in will result in the continuation of action with players still having to call the previous bet amount, but the all in player will only be able to win any antes and any matched bets to that of his all in.


  1. Any hand passed over the betting line in a forward motion will be considered a dead hand even if it has not hit the muck.
  2. The only exception to the rule being in fairness of the game ruled at the discretion of the Floor person.

Acting Out of Turn

  1. Any player acting out of turn will be penalised at the discretion of the Floor Person.
  2. Should a player bet out of turn, their bet will stand so long as there is no change of action before there’s. If somebody does make an aggressive action beforehand, then the player acting out of turn will receive his chips back and all options.

Exposing Cards

  1. Players are not allowed to expose cards prematurely during a live hand, should they do this they will be penalised at the discretion of the Floor Person.
  2. The ‘Show one show all’ rule is active at all times during play.
  3. Any cards exposed on the initial deal that do not result in a misdeal will be replaced by the first burn card.


  1. If all betting has been completed and no further action is possible, players will be in a “showdown” situation. A “showdown” is defined as the period at the end of each hand in which active players reveal their facedown cards. Players show and compare the strength of their hands to determine the winning five card hand combination, and so declaring the winner of the pot.
  2. Order of showdown with aggressive action on the river street: The last aggressor has to show first. The other players have to show in a clockwise order.
  3. Order of showdown without aggressive action on the river street: The first active player left to the button has to show first and the other players follow in a clockwise direction.
  4. If players do not wait and show their hand against the order of showdown they will lose the right of seeing the previous player’s cards.
  5. Tabling of cards requires the whole hand being made clearly visible to players and the dealer at the table.
  6. Should a hand need to be shown to retrieve any part of the pot, all cards must be shown.
  7. In situations where players play the board, they are required to show both hold cards to claim their part of the pot.
  8. LAST MAN STANDING RULE: At showdown, if a player would prefer to muck than show their cards, the remaining player can win the pot without having to show any cards as he is the last live hand. However, should the player want to see the other players cards, the player would be forced to show his live hand.
  9. If a player is all-in and no further betting action is possible, the dealer must stop all action and instruct the players to turn their cards face up; players will be in a showdown situation. Dealers must ensure that all cards are exposed before continuing with any action.
  10. If there is a side pot, players involved in the side pot should show their hands first. The side pots will always be awarded before the main pot.
  11. Verbal declaration of a hand, should this occur at showdown, the player will be expected to show the cards to confirm the hand before the pot can be collected. Other players should wait until this takes place before mucking any cards.
  12. Should a player try to miss call a hand their hand in order to get people to muck only to not have the hand, they will be penalised at the discretion of the floor person.
  13. In showdowns involving an all-in situation, players with live hands must all table their cards before any action is completed.

Odd Chips

  1. In split pot situations with an oddment of the smallest value chip, the odd chips will be awarded to the player in the earliest position.

Board Errors

  1. In all cases of board errors, the floor should be called to resolve the issue.
  2. If a board error has occurred only for sufficient action to then take place following, the floor person will rule based on fairness of the game.
  3. 4-Card Flops will be resolved with the floor person mixing up the flop cards face down only to then pick one of which will be added to the top of the deck and become the next burn card. The three remaining cards then becoming the flop.
  4. Premature event:
    • Flop – The burn card will remain the burn, and the flop will be added back to the deck and reshuffled for a whole new flop, turn & river.
    • Turn – The dealer will complete the betting action on the Flop. Then the burn will remain the turn burn, yet the premature turn card will be added to the deck and reshuffled ready for a new random turn card, the dealer will then continue as normal.
    • River – The dealer will complete the betting action on the turn, The burn will remain the burn and the river will then be added to the deck and reshuffled for a new river card.
  5. No Burn Card event:
    • Flop – The Floor Person will be called, should he be unable to work out which of the cards is supposed to be the burn, the flop will continue based on that already provided. Action will then continue. The next card on the deck will then take its place as the flop burn card.
    • Turn & River – The card exposed as the turn/river will take its rightful place as the burn and the next card in the deck will then be placed as the turn/river.


  1. Shotclock limits will be announced in advance to the event starting.
  2. Timebank cards should be kept visible to dealers at all times.
  3. So long as a player has an available timebank, the timebank will be activated automatically if the initial time runs out.
  4. Upon completion of a player’s action, any used timebanks must be given to the dealer.
  5. Dealers will provide a 5 second warning on each initial time period.
  6. Dealers will announce the activation of a timebank card when it starts.
  7. Dealers will provide a 10 second warning and a 5 second countdown on any final time period.

Calling a clock

  1. In none shotclock events, players will have the right to call the clock on players if they feel the player has had plenty of time to make their decision.
  2. The Floor Person may put on the clock if they agree that the player has had sufficient time.
  3. A clock consists of 30 seconds, with the last 10 seconds counted down by the Floor.
  4. Should the floor feel a player consistently slows down play to the degree where it is poor etiquette or abusing of time to better their situation in the tournament, then a reduction in Clock and potentially penalties will be awarded.

Hand for Hand

  1. In hand for hand scenarios, all tables will deal at the same pace starting each next hand at the same time upon the order of the Tournament Director.
  2. Players are not allowed to use any communication applications or devices during hand for hand.
  3. When all in and call situations occur during hand for hand, the action will be frozen with no cards exposed until all tables have completed their hands and the Tournament Director has instructed to continue, at which point the players will show their cards and the hand completed.
  4. During hand for hand action, when players seated at different tables are eliminated on the same hand, all eliminated players will share the same finishing place. Players will evenly share the finishing place and payout. When one or more players at the same table are eliminated on the same hand, the player with the lower chip count will be considered to be eliminated first.
  5. In situations with 3 or more players being eliminated, only one player per table can cash, therefore if 2 or more are eliminated from a table, only the player with the most chips will receive a prize.
  6. During hand for hand the clock will continue to run during live play, the clock will only be paused once an entire level has been completed.